Our Latest Updates – Archive

Researcher Wanted at Educational Nonprofit ProCon.org
1/17/2019 -

ProCon.org, a Los Angeles-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity,
seeks an in-house Researcher (full-time with benefits or part-time
without benefits) to develop content for websites devoted to a
nonpartisan in-depth presentation of 70+ controversial issues. Three
items are required for application, as specified in the job notice.

50 Lesson Plan Ideas Using ProCon.org
7/16/2018 -

We’re excited to announce 50 free lesson plan ideas for educators! Visit our Teachers’ Corner for inspiration, including lessons plans about distinguishing fact from opinion, how to write a “call-to-action” letter, and content from our partner Credo Reference.

Abortion: Background of the Issue
7/2/2018 -

Did you know that, in 2018, 51% of Americans consider themselves to be pro-choice? Or that 39% of US women live in counties that do not provide abortion services? Read the updated background on our abortion site for more information.

Should Abortion Be Legal?
5/17/2017 -

Delve into this controversial issue with pro and con quotes from Hillary Clinton (Pro), 43rd US President George W. Bush (Con), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Pro), and Democrats for Life of America (Con), among many other experts and organizations.